Haley Strachan – Personal Trainer

Certified Personal Trainer – Hi! I’m Haley, a certified personal trainer who has been training in the industry for the last 5 years.Growing up, I was always active and loved challenging myself to try new sports with hopes to excel at everything I tried. I was a gymnast for 10 years, danced competitively for 6 years and played softball for 16 years, with some overlap of course. Ultimately, my love for softball won out and that is what I chose to stick with, getting the opportunity to play at the NCAA collegiate level. I have a BS in exercise science and wellness from the University of Minnesota and love learning new things to challenge my clients to be the strongest mentally and physically I fell in love with training when I started specifically training for my sport at a private training facility in Scottsdale called FitLife when I was 12, and really equate that to my success with softball, despite developing an auto immune condition around that same time. The auto immune condition I hated so much as a 12 year old, I now thank God for everyday as it has instilled the strong work ethic I have and mentality to overcome adversity. I was asked to be a trainer at FitLife shortly after graduating which really brought my fitness journey full circle for me. The place I was so excited to train at 2x a week I got to work at with some of the very same clients I had trained next to for years.I have a passion for preventative medicine and building a foundation of working out as a lifestyle after wanting to be a physical therapist for years but was turned off by the “reactive medicine” approach where you only go to get treatment once you are hurt. I am a firm believer if you do the right mechanics in the gym and build a strong foundation, most common injuries and ailments can be prevented. I love helping clients work through ailments and issues, usually post physical therapy, to learn how strong they can be and how much better than can feel even after surgery or a major injury. I hope to help my clients gain the knowledge to be able to live a healthy lifestyle and feel confident in the gym, even if they aren’t training one on one with me.I am super happy to be at SMTF Scottsdale and can’t wait to help whoever I can.

Hope Juliet – Personal Trainer

Hi my name is Hope! I have been a CPT for 4 years now, I started my personal training journey first with a mentor who taught me a lot and started as a client myself. I was an athlete my entire life and knew that helping others achieve their goals was my ultimate calling. I am a Women’s only coach and have trained HUNDREDS of females, created a community of women who empower, support and uplift one another while working towards your goals. Not just working towards goals, but achieving them!
I have huge platforms where I have been blessed to have the opportunities to train so many women in all different phases of life; beginner never stepping into a gym, advanced bodybuilding, pregnant, postpartum, and much more. I specialize in bodybuilding which is what almost all women want when it comes to their body goals.
I post a lot of transformations and testimonials on my Instagram and save them to my Instagram stories highlights so you’re able to see those as they come!

Karen Martinez – Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach –  Karen Martinez is a personal trainer and nutrition coach on a mission! Her mission is to empower moms and women to transform their lives through a lifestyle change approach to health and fitness. As a proud mother herself, she understands the unique challenges faced by busy moms in today’s world. She is passionate about helping them achieve their fitness goals without resorting to extreme diets or endless hours of cardio.She holds a firm belief that everyone has the potential to reach their desired fitness goals while enjoying a full and varied diet; she advocates for a sustainable lifestyle change over restrictive diets. She knows that achieving your goals shouldn’t mean sacrificing the foods you love or enduring misery in the process. Karen’s approach centers around the power of macros, a more educational, flexible, and sustainable approach designed to help you get physically toned, strong, lose fat, and gain muscle all while enjoying a well-rounded diet. She’ll guide you through the process of understanding and optimizing your macronutrient intake, making nutrition simple, effective, and tailored to your unique needs and goals. She understands that one size does not fit all and she tailors her programs to meet the unique needs of each individual. But Karen’s expertise doesn’t stop at macros. She’s committed to helping you embrace a more holistic approach to health and wellness, one that focuses on long-term results and genuine sustainable lifestyle change. With her guidance, you’ll discover that being healthier doesn’t mean giving up your favorite treats but, instead it’s about making smart choices, setting realistic goals, and creating sustainable habits that become second nature. For Karen, the ultimate goal is to achieve your fitness goals while fostering a healthy relationship between her clients and exercise, food, and most importantly, themselves.Say goodbye to quick fixes and crash diets. Karen is a firm believer in lifestyle change over temporary solutions. So, if the method you are using is not sustainable long term, the results are not going to be sustainable in the long run. She’ll work with you to create habits that fit seamlessly into your lifestyle, so you can enjoy long-lasting results.As a parent herself, Karen believes in leading by example, showing her clients that a healthy and active lifestyle is not only attainable but also essential for setting a positive example for our children and those close to us. She knows that the best way to inspire change in our families and friends is to embody it ourselves. Join Karen Martinez on a journey towards a healthier, stronger and happier version of you. Whether you’re a mom looking to regain your body confidence, a woman striving for more energy and confidence, or anyone seeking a balanced approach to fitness and nutrition. Karen is here to provide the support and all the guidance you need. Together, you’ll achieve your health and wellness goals while enjoying the process and embracing a sustainable, life-changing approach to nutrition and fitness.

Nicolas Durso – Boxing and Bodybuilding Coach

Nicolas Durso – Boxing and Bodybuilding Coach – Nic Durso stands as a beacon of expertise in the realms of boxing and bodybuilding, offering a unique blend of specialized training programs that cater to individuals seeking to transform their bodies and bolster their athleticism. With a keen focus on personalized guidance, Nic has earned a reputation for his unparalleled ability to craft tailored fitness regimens that push boundaries and drive results.

Boasting a wealth of experience in both boxing and bodybuilding, Nic brings a multifaceted approach to his sessions, integrating the nuances of each discipline to create a holistic training experience. Through a careful balance of technique, strength training, and conditioning, Nic empowers his clients to not only reach their fitness goals but also to surpass them, unlocking their full potential in the process.

Whether leading intimate 1-on-1 sessions or energizing group workouts, Nic cultivates an environment of motivation, support, and growth. His infectious passion for fitness is evident in every session, inspiring clients to push past limits, break barriers, and embrace the transformative power of physical training. With a focus on functional movements, skill development, and optimal performance, Nic’s programs are designed to enhance overall fitness levels while instilling a sense of confidence and empowerment in his clients.

Beyond the physical aspects of training, Nic places a strong emphasis on mindset and mental resilience, recognizing the critical role that mental fortitude plays in achieving success. By fostering a positive and empowering atmosphere, Nic equips his clients with the tools they need to overcome challenges, stay focused on their goals, and maintain a winning mindset both inside and outside the gym.

In addition to his proficiency in boxing techniques and bodybuilding principles, Nic’s holistic approach encompasses nutrition guidance, recovery strategies, and lifestyle recommendations aimed at supporting his clients in their journey towards optimal health and wellness. By addressing the interconnected facets of fitness, Nic ensures that his clients experience comprehensive and sustainable transformations that extend far beyond physical appearance.

With Nic Durso as their guide, individuals embarking on a fitness journey are met with a blend of expertise, passion, and unwavering dedication. Through his innovative training programs, supportive coaching style, and commitment to excellence, Nic empowers his clients to redefine their limits, sculpt their bodies, and embrace a lifestyle of vitality and strength. Whether sparring in the ring or sculpting muscles in the gym, Nic Durso stands as a testament to the transformative power of boxing and bodybuilding, inspiring all who train with him to reach new heights of fitness and well-being.

What is your Training Specialty?
Body Building

Raneem Amayreh – Personal Trainer

Female Personal Trainer – Raneem Amayreh moved to the United States from Jordan in 2014. The big move was not easy and shaped Raneem’s future from being a computer engineer to a fitness/health coach. The first months were a big culture, career, and social transition.Raneem found her peace and joy in training. This led her into pursuing her passion and getting certified as a trainer and changing people’s lives. She wanted to use her love for fitness to help others find their peace and improve their lives the same way it helped hers.Raneem has been a certified personal trainer since 2016. Along the way, Raneem has worked with different athletes with different goals including athletes with physical and mental limitations. Raneem is a great trainer but her clients see her as a friend. Establishing a relationship of trust and understanding is her top priority.Her philosophy is that fitness is the most neglected unprescribed therapy, but is the the most effective one. Raneem believes that through personalized training programs and lifestyle modifications, individuals can achieve optimal physical and mental well-being.With a strong background in computer engineering, Raneem brings a unique analytical approach to her training methods. She believes in utilizing data and technology to track progress and optimize results. By incorporating wearable devices and fitness apps, Raneem ensures that her clients have a clear understanding of their progress and can make informed decisions about their health and fitness goals.Raneem specializes in strength and conditioning, weight loss, and functional training. Her training sessions are dynamic and engaging, incorporating a variety of exercises and equipment to keep her clients motivated and challenged. She believes in the power of functional movements that translate to real-life activities, improving overall strength, balance, and coordination.As a firm believer in the power of nutrition, Raneem also provides customized meal plans and dietary guidance to complement her clients’ training programs. She understands that nutrition plays a crucial role in achieving optimal results and emphasizes the importance of a well-balanced diet in conjunction with regular exercise.Raneem’s dedication to her clients goes beyond the gym. She provides ongoing support and guidance, helping her clients overcome obstacles and stay motivated even outside of their training sessions. She believes in fostering a supportive community and often organizes group activities and challenges to keep her clients engaged and connected.In addition to her personal training services, Raneem is also a passionate advocate for overall wellness. She frequently conducts workshops and seminars on topics such as stress management, mindfulness, and healthy lifestyle habits. Raneem believes that true fitness extends beyond physical strength and encompasses mental and emotional well-being as well.With her warm and approachable demeanor, Raneem creates a comfortable environment for her clients to thrive in. She is committed to their success and ensures that each training session is tailored to their individual needs and goals. Raneem’s positive energy and genuine passion for helping others make her a sought-after personal trainer in her community.If you are ready to embark on a transformative fitness journey and discover the power of your own potential, Raneem Amayreh is here to guide and support you every step of the way. Together, you can unlock your true strength and achieve a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life.

Samantha Estlund – Personal Trainer in Scottsdale, Az

Personal Trainer in Scottsdale – My name is Samantha. I moved to Arizona 2 years ago from Georgia, I am a professional skin care therapist as we a professional fitness trainer. I have credentials in Pain Free Performance Training as well as Hydration Specialist. I have decided to pursue a career in fitness because of the countless benefits it has done for my life. Not only does fitness give you the confidence you need but also the disciple and happy chemicals to help you perform in all other areas of your life. My goal for my clients is not only to get them to the body they desire but also the quality of life they deserve.

Hi, I’m Savannah! I have been a Personal Trainer here at Self Made Training Facility, located in North Scottsdale. I have been training out of this private facility for over 4 years now. Fitness, health and wellness has always been a passion of mine. Before I ever considered becoming a Personal Trainer, I had hired a trainer for myself that I had learned a lot of valuable information from. I started that journey about 10 years ago and truly fell in love with it. My personal passion for fitness, health and wellness had been so rewarding, that I want to be able to share the same experience with others.

I hold certifications as both a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist, completed through ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association) allowing me to provide comprehensive guidance and support to each and everyone of my clients.

I specialize in weight loss, strength training, flexibility and nutrition. I work with a wide range of clientele from young adults, business owners, and also have experience with women who are pre and postnatal. I firmly believe that a balanced approach to nutrition and fitness is the key to achieving and maintaining sustainable results. With my years of practice in both areas I am able to create customized training programs and provide nutritional guidance that aligns with each client’s individual needs and goals.

MY BOOKS ARE OPEN! Let me as your trainer guide you down the right path with fitness, nutrition, or a combination of both!

I am ready to guide you through this journey! So if you or someone you may know, male/female are trying to overcome the fear of stepping into the gym or need someone to hold you accountable, I AM YOUR GIRL!


Services offered:

  • In-person training
  • Private Sessions (1-1)
  • Semi-private Sessions (1-2 people)
  • Group sessions (no more than 6 people)

Online Training

  • Customized workout program tailored to your goals
  • Access to a user friendly app, “Self Made Trainerize App”
  • Form guides/videos
  • Step by step workout plan (reps, sets, weight, rest time, etc.)

Nutritional Guidance

  • Healthy attainable eating tips
  • Macro calculating
  • Calorie counting
  • Meal Ideas
  • Supplement recommendations
  • Gut health


With that being said, let me help you perfect your form, build a healthy relationship with food and how to work on living a balanced lifestyle inside and outside of the gym!

Right now I am working on being the best version of myself and I am here to help you become the best version of yourself as well! Let’s get through these difficult and uncertain times together!!

First session is FREE!!

Sophie Hubby – Personal Trainer in Scottsdale

Sophie Hubby – Personal Trainer in Scottsdale – Sophie, a dynamic and versatile athlete, has traversed various athletic domains, transitioning from a successful college basketball career to conquering the realms of powerlifting and ultimately excelling in the world of bodybuilding. Her journey through these distinct disciplines has not only shaped her as an athlete but also as a mentor and coach.

Driven by a fervent passion for exploring diverse training methodologies, Sophie stands as a beacon of inspiration for those striving to achieve their fitness aspirations. Her primary goal is to empower individuals to reach their full potential, instilling in them the confidence and motivation necessary to surmount any challenge.

Drawing from her rich tapestry of experiences, Sophie has honed her craft to provide unparalleled guidance to her clients. With a keen focus on individualized training programs tailored to meet specific goals, she ensures that each individual under her tutelage receives not only top-notch instruction but also unwavering support throughout their fitness journey.

Sophie’s commitment to excellence extends beyond the gym floor as she dedicates herself wholeheartedly to the success and well-being of those she trains. Her holistic approach to fitness encompasses not only physical training but also mental fortitude, aiming to create a sustainable foundation for long-term growth and development.

Through her unwavering dedication and expertise, Sophie has cultivated a reputation for delivering optimal results to her clients. Whether it be guiding a novice through their first steps in the gym or fine-tuning the regimen of a seasoned athlete, she approaches each interaction with a blend of professionalism, compassion, and a genuine desire to see others succeed.

Beyond the weights and repetitions, Sophie’s impact resonates deeply within the lives of those she touches. She serves as a source of motivation, a pillar of strength, and a catalyst for positive change in the lives of many. Her unwavering belief in the transformative power of hard work and dedication serves as a guiding light for those navigating their own fitness journeys.

As a testament to her dedication to personal growth and development, Sophie continues to push the boundaries of her own potential, constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities for self-improvement. Her relentless pursuit of excellence serves as a living example of the adage that with perseverance and unwavering commitment, one can achieve greatness in all endeavors.

In essence, Sophie embodies the spirit of resilience, determination, and passion that defines a true champion. Through her tireless efforts to uplift and inspire others, she has carved out a legacy as a beacon of hope and empowerment in the realm of fitness and beyond.

What is your Training Specialty?
Weight training

Steve Wolf – Nutritionist and Personal Trainer

Hi there! My name is Steve Wolf, owner of Wolf Pack Fitness LLC.

My credentials are:
* NCCPT certified personal trainer
* Associates degree in nutrition/dietetics
* 5x men’s physique competitor
* Trained in NeuXtec interactive neuromuscular stimulation (INS) using the NxPro
* 10 years of lifting experience
* 6 years of personal training experience

My fitness journey began when I was 24 when by the grace of God I overcame a four year long opioid addiction. I had never before been interested in weight lifting or exercise but with my new lease on life and a solid reason to change I was ready. One evening about two weeks after getting clean I randomly felt a strong urge to exercise. I picked up an old dusty set of 8lb blue dumbbells, watched as many online tutorials as I could and got to it. Soon after that I realized that 8lb weights weren’t gonna cut it and joined a friend to lift at his apartment’s gym. I put in the time there until I gained the confidence to get my first membership at LA Fitness. I continued lifting until I’d built enough muscle to compete in my first of many NPC physique shows. My first show was a huge blessing that taught me the immense importance of nutrition. Shortly after, I earned my certification as a personal trainer through NCCPT and began training friends as a side hustle. I eventually quit my corporate job and became an official trainer at Mountainside Fitness while working on my degree in nutrition. Not long after that I joined the team at 5 Star Fitness Avondale where I learned how to train large groups as well as honing my skills in a more private setting. In 2019 I launched Wolf Pack Fitness LLC and began working out of a private training facility in north Phoenix. In 2022 I purchased an NxPro by NeuX to take my training to the next level and to greatly assist in injury rehabilitation with my clients. I am so excited to be taking my business to Self Made Training Facility in Scottsdale where I am confident I can give my clients the best experience possible. Fitness didn’t save my life, only Jesus Christ deserves that glory, but fitness has certainly enriched my life more than I could have ever imagined. It is my mission to give that same gift to you.